A new machine. Now what? Time to set it all up. Inevitably I end up going back and forth from my old machine or worse yet, my memory, to figure out what needs to be installed. No more. Today, I have compiled a list of everything I need to feel productive with a new dev machine. Perhaps, this can help you as well.
Continue ReadingDagger Multibinding in Dynamic Feature Modules
We’re adding the use of dynamic feature modules to our app. This will help us to improve build speeds, conditionally include features and decouple our code. As noted previously, we make use of Dagger Multibinding and the Android Job library to handle our background tasks.
When we created our first feature module we ran into an issue when we attempted to move the associated Job
classes. Let me walk you through the problem, the solution we settled on and then proposed next steps.
How To Deprecate an Internal Mobile Application
Seven years ago, Zola Electric welcomed its first Android application into the world. It was designed to support our sales and service staff as they went throughout Tanzania introducing solar energy to folks. It served us well.
Since then we’ve grown as a company and our needs have expanded as well. This led us to focus on developing a new Android application which met the following requirements:
- Resilient to unstable network conditions
- Worked seamlessly offline
- Used the latest Android best practices
- Incorporated User Experience principles
Talk: Getting a Grip on GraphQL
GraphQL is a query language for your API. This allows you to interact with your existing web services and databases in a new way. Instead of relying on a predetermined output structure from your API, you can “query” it and choose only the fields that you’re interested in. In this talk, learn what GraphQL is all about and how you can take advantage of it in your applications.
A few key GraphQL terms we’ll cover are:
- Fields/Types
- Variables
- Queries/Mutations
We’re going to explore how you can create a GraphQL Server with a stack written entirely in Kotlin. Then we’ll take a look at how you can integrate the Apollo Client library inside of a Kotlin-powered Android application. GraphQL isn’t going away, so here’s your chance to get a grip on this exciting technology!