Just discovered StackOverflow had an option to display your flair. Why not?
Using awk on the Command Line to Parse Files
I needed to format a file that contained a list of words with their accompanying definitions. I didn’t need the definitions and wanted to put an ‘item’ tag around each word. awk to the rescue!
awk '{print ""$1""}' < words.xml
BAD something bad BAG to put into a bag BAH intj. expressing disgust BAL type of shoe (balmoral) BAM to strike with a dull sound BAN to prohibit/Rumanian coin
<item>BAD</item> <item>BAG</item> <item>BAH</item> <item>BAL</item> <item>BAM</item> <item>BAN</item>
Adding HTTP Access Logging to Glassfish 3.0 Server
Recently I had the need to monitor the requests that were being sent to my Glassfish server. Here is the simple configuration change that needed to be done to the domain.xml file:
<config name="server-config">
<http-service enabled="true"></http-service>
<access-log format="%client.name% %auth-user-name% %datetime% %request% %status% %response.length% %header.referer%"></access-log>
<virtual-server id="server" log="/mnt/httpd/logs/access" listeners="http-listener-1"></virtual-server>
<virtual-server id="__asadmin" listeners="admin-listener"></virtual-server>
Sun’s Documentation: Enabling Access Logging
Killing Long Running Processes in MySQL
This should never happen, but it does and so I’m going to tell you one way that I kill stale processes on my MySQL database server:
cat longprocesses.txt | awk ‘{print “kill “$1″;”}’
I run the show full processlist command on MySQL and then copy the list of stale processes to a file that I have named longprocesses.txt. Once that is done I have several lines of code that look like this:
kill 12345;
kill 93479;
I then copy this into MySQL or SequelPro and run the kill commands. This is somewhat tedious so I’m looking for a faster way to do this, any ideas, just post a comment. Thanks.