I recently migrated my Gradle Plugin from Groovy to Kotlin. It was essentially a four step process:
- Update the build.gradle file
- Modify the Project Structure
- Convert Groovy code to Kotlin
- Migrate the JUnit tests
Let’s walk through each step…
Davis Technology Consulting
by Annyce Davis
I recently migrated my Gradle Plugin from Groovy to Kotlin. It was essentially a four step process:
Let’s walk through each step…
by Annyce Davis
This was the first year for the DroidCon Boston Conference. I put together a few highlights of the event below:
Ted is playing the keytar at the entrance of @droidconbos! #droidconbos #droidcon pic.twitter.com/YO6UOhOPK8
— Tyler Nappy (@tylernappy) April 10, 2017
by Annyce Davis
Developing Android applications is a powerful way to connect people with the information they need the most. Apps are for living your life: daily commutes, traveling abroad, communicating with family, and much more! This places the responsibility of engineering top-notch software squarely in the laps of us developers. Unlike doctors, we were not required to take an oath or pledge when becoming Android Developers. However, we can still learn much from the principles behind the phrase, “First, do no harm.” In this talk, we will discuss over a dozen tools that are at your disposal as a developer which can enable you to provide high quality applications to your users. Thus allowing you to first, do no harm!
by Annyce Davis
My current tech obsessions are: Realm, Dagger and Unit Testing. Therefore, I’m always looking for opportunities to improve my code in some way that involves one or more of the above. That being said, I realized that the recommended way of handling migrations in Realm could be improved significantly by means of Dagger 2.
We’re going to be refactoring the following Migration class:
With only two version updates, we already have a decent sized method to deal with. What’s more if you didn’t start out by creating tests for your migrations, once this method gets much longer you probably never will. But all is not lost, Dagger’s Multibinding Support is coming to the rescue. Let’s take a look!Continue Reading