This series is dedicated to the little things in programming that make you want to bang your head against the wall. Today’s post is about: persistent pop-ups.
The pop-up
I was working on a sample app using Jetpack Compose. And for the most part, the Compose Preview was all I needed. However, I was testing a few API requests and those required the emulator. That’s when my troubles began.
Each application launch led to at least three unwanted pop-ups *shakes fist*. I was notified when the build completed and when the app launched, but the most annoying of all was when this window would appear that I just didn’t need at all.

I had to get rid of it. 💪
The hunt
One thing I love about Android Studio/IntelliJ IDEA is that so much is configurable. I knew there had to be a way to ditch these pop-ups for good, but how? Logically, it had something to do with the Run tool window. But I couldn’t figure out what it was called.
So I did what I always do. I googled it until I came across this post on StackOverflow. I opened my Run Configuration and then unchecked the elusive “Activate tool window” box.

And yeah, it worked! I was free of the wretched pop-up.
Just one of those little things. fin